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STU’s student won first prize of “Young Achievers’ Safe Food Award 2014” - YASFA 2014

Update 30/05/2014 - 08:01:39 AM (GMT+7)

A group of five junior FFT’s students had achieved the first prize of “Young Achievers’ Safe Food Award”. The competition was organized by Vietnam Association of Food Science and Technology and UBM, in the framework of the Food Ingredient Exhibition Vietnam 2014 (21 – 23/5/2014). The value of the First Prize is 1000 USD.

The team members were FFT’s students Lê Thị Ngọc Nhường, Hoàng Đức Thịnh, Nguyễn Ngọc Sơn, and Tạ Văn Tèo, with the instruction of lecturer MSc Trần Đình Nam. The team has successfully developed the product Veggie Beef Jerky Raggie from Jackfruit rag. The final judging board included Dr. Mary Schmidl (USA), Dr. V. Prakash (India), Mrs. Pamela Forshage (Philippines), Mrs. Judith Meech (Canada), who are the members of the Executive committee of IUFoST. This product was highly evaluated by experts for using safe additives, taking advantage of by-products of the food industry, with low cost and good sensory characteristics. 


The Veggie beef jerky “Raggie”


When the products were presented at the international Food Ingredient Vietnam 2014 at SECC, many representatives from food companies and enterprises showed their willingness to commercialize these new products.



“Students, who have successfully passed the final round and displayed their products, have a good chance to learn from international experts.This achievement will create an impression in their CV and increase future career opportunities” said Prof. Dr. Luu Dzuan, Dean of Faculty of Food Technology, STU.



Over twenty ideas of new food products were submitted to this year's competition from eight universities in Hochiminh City, and seven ideas were selected by the VAFoST’s judging panel. The final round took place at STU on May 21st, 2014. All the participants had to present and answer the judge’s questions in English. Finally, one first prize and one consolation prize were awarded to STU’s students.


The certificates were awarded to the STU’s students by the Organizer Committee

The products in the final round presented at Fi Vietnam Exhibition 2014


The list of seven new products at final round of the competition: 

  • Frist prize: Veggie Beef Jerky Raggie from Jackfruit rag (Saigon Technology University)
  • Second prize: Chocolate energy bar with brown rice and marshmallow (HCMC University of Food Industry)
  • Third prize: Gac yogurt and Turmeric yogurt (International University), and Pomegranate-raspberry nectar (HCMC University of Food Industry)  
  • Consolation prize: Pumpkin and brown rice muffin (Saigon Technology University), Gummies with rutin addition (University of Technology and Education Ho Chi Minh city), Gummies with jackfruit rag (Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City) 


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