

Business Administration Faculty


Update 19/04/2020 - 05:00:00 PM (GMT+7)

Founded in 1997, the Faculty of Business Administration (FoBA) at Saigon Technology University has a wide range of training programs and specializations.
Regular programs
Bachelor specializations:

  • General business administration
  • Marketing administration
  • Finance administration

Associate specializations:

  • Business administration
  • Accounting

Bachelor’s Completion programs 

  • Pathway program from an associate’s degree into a bachelor’s degree (1,5 years)

In the FoBA, the full time lecturers and officials are 2 associate professors, 5 doctors, 40 masters and 4 bachelors. Besides, the FoBA cooperates with several lecturers who come from well-known universities in Ho Chi Minh City, and successful businessmen who are expierienced in management, planning strategies and practical production. Especially, in recent years, there have been great social needs of analysis, assessment and reseach on the stock market investment, and thus experienced experts in this field have actively invited to teach courses and organize seminars for the FoBA students.
After graduation, the FoBA students have advantages in getting good jobs with stable incomes in enterprises of all economic sectors.
Specilization of General Business Administration

  • Production Management Specialist
  • Project Administration Specialiss
  • Sales & marketing, Public Relations’ Specialist
  • Demand & Supply Chain Management Specialist
  • Sales Management Specialist
  • Personnel Administration Specialiss
  • Operators of small and medium enterprise

Specilization of Marketing Administration 

  • Sales Administration Specialist
  • Customer Care Specialist
  • Label and Product Administration Specialist
  • New Product Development Specialist
  • Marketing, Advertising Research Specialist

Specilization of Finance Administration 

  • Investment Analysis and Risk Management Specialist
  • Fortune Assessment Specialist
  • Finance Administration Specialist
  • Internal Control Specialist
  • Chief Accountant

With a desire that graduates can meet all requirements from employers, and requirements for self-study and continuing study, the FoBA always places great emphasis on the following tasks:

  • Developing the training by opening specializations in Business Administration.
  • Taking care of graduates’ quality through designing the curriculum and training organization with the basic contents as follows:
  • The curriculum is built up with reference to those of many universities in developed countries.
  • Teaching materials are compiled, referenced, and updated from those in well-known universities and publisher like McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall, etc.
  • Teaching methods and contents are improved; students are trained in practice skills and analysis competences, encouraged to think independently, work in groups, and make decisions, etc. via case studies in businesses and applications of information technology.
  • Lecturers are fostered to have activeness and experiences in teaching and practice
  • Good lecturers from other universities are invited; lecturers are selected from intermediate and advance managers in enterprises to tranfer and train students in pratical knowledge and real experiences.


Students are provided with knowledge of general business and business management, and practical eperiences in the business environment so that, after graduation, they can start their own venture, make business plans and strategies, and manage business activities in different areas. The training program in detail is as follows:

  • Basic principles of economics and business administration;
  • Tools of quantitative analysis, forecast and statistics;
  • Core knowledge of business administration such as decision making, human resource administration, strategy administration, supply administration,  and production administration;
  • Knowledge of finance administration, accounting administration, and banking administration;
  • Knowledge of marketing and consumer behavior;
  •  Knowledge of sales administration, public relations, and negotiation skills.

Marketing Administration
Students are provided with general knowledge and essential skills in marketing, media advertising, market research, and consumer behavior; trained in using appropriate marketing skills and marketing strategies to approach customers. The training program in detail is as follows:

  • Basic principles of economics and business administration;
  • Tools of quantitative analysis, forecast and statistics;
  • Principles of marketing, market research, and consumer behavior 
  • Specialized knowledge and skills of distribution system, label administration, marketing administration, product assessment, and sales administration;
  • Specific marketing knowledge and skills:  service marketing, B2B marketing, retail administration, customer relations, public relations, etc.

Finance administration 
Students are provided with general knowledge of business, basic knowledge of business finance, and skills to apply theories into practical activities in the capital markets, monetary markets in the process of globalization and international integration. The training program in detail is as follows:

  • Basic principles of economics and business administration;
  • Principles of finance administration; 
  • Tools of quantitative analysis, forecast and statistics;
  • Specific knowledge of finance;
  • Knowledge and skills of accounting;
  • Methods of assessing businesses, bonds, and stocks;
  • Assessment in investment projects, project administration, risk administration

Accounting & Informatics 
Students are provided with general knowledge of business, basic knowledge of finance, accounting, business auditing, pratical skills of enterprise accounting. The training program assures that graduates are confident to be responsibe for accounting tasks in enterprises, the training program in detail is as follows:

  • Basic principles of economics, administration, marketing, and banking, etc.;
  • Principles of finance administration;
  • Principles of accounting;
  • Finance accounting, administration accounting;
  • Informatics applications  in accounting


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