

Visiting Professor

Dr. Rangrong Yoksan (Head of Packaging Department – Faculty of Agroindustry – Kasetsart University, Thailand) presented in a seminar at STU

Update 20/03/2019 - 05:18:13 AM (GMT+7)

Faculty of Food Technology annually organized the “Visiting Professor Program” with the support of Vietnam Association Food Science and Technology (VAFoST).

STU’s FFT welcomed a professor from Thailand to present the topic "Heat resistant and degradable bio-based plastic material and application in packaging” in the semminar for FFT’s master students and undergraduate students. 
There were two speakers in this seminar: 

  1. Dr. Rangrong Yoksan - Head of Packaging Department – Faculty of Agroindustry – Kasetsart University, Thailand 
  2. Mr. Dang Minh Khanh, phD student, Kasetsart University, Thailand 


PhD. Rangrong Yoksan

Mr. Dang Minh Khanh, phD student

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