

Visiting Professor

The world's leading specialist on food sensory evaluation visited faculty of Food Technology

Update 22/01/2013 - 03:34:08 AM (GMT+7)

Prof.Dr. Herbert Stone, former chairman of the Institute of Food Technology (IFT), the world’s leading specialist on food sensory evaluation, the author of the sensory textbook, visited FFT of STU on January 19th, 2019. 

Dr. Herbert Stone was glad to visit FFT of STU in his first-time travel to Vietnam, and he assessed highly the efforts for the development FFT in 15 years. Dr. Stone was impressed when he knew that STU’s FFT is the first faculty appling the program of IUFoST into the lecturing. Some the practical courses are added to met the demand for labor markets such as Food Product Development, Food Culture, Food Marketing. Moreover, there are some forthcoming courses in FFT’s training program such as Food Management, Food Service. 

In this visit, the world’s leading expert had a chance to interact and communicate with junior and senior students of FFT. Students introduced actively to the professor the related and practical courses and their experiences in the sensory laboratory.




On this special occasion, the signature of Prof.Dr. Herbert Stone was added to the memorandum of the “Visiting Professors Program”; this is a commitment of the professors, who signed in the memorandum, to join the lecturing for FFT’s students of STU. The accommodation and travel fees of Visiting Professors were funded by IUFoST or other organizations.




After the visit, Dr. Herbert Stone announced that he would support and introduce to FFT the newest and the most up-to-date sensory textbooks. With Dr.Herbert Stone’s help, the subject food sensory would be the bilingual course since 2015 in FFT.

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