

Visiting Professor

Dr. Prakash backed to STU to give the lecture at the Faculty of Food Technology

Update 23/01/2014 - 04:22:41 AM (GMT+7)

In November 2013, Dr. V. Prakash, who was the former president of India Nutrition Association, one of the leading scientists of the Mysore research institute backed STU to give the lecture at FFT. This is the fourth-time he has visited STU since the “Visiting Professors Program” was officially launched by VAFoST, IUFoST.

Especially, at that time, Dr. Prakash was acompanied on this visit by his wife, Prof. Jamuna Prakash. She is a lecturer of Food Scientific and Nutrition Faculty, Mysore University, India. Two professors lectured the topic “The effects of climate changes to nutrition and food safety”, and “Improved the nutrition value in traditional foods” in the seminar held for the FFT’s junior and senior students. Besides, Mr. and Mrs. Prakash also shared the knowledge and education approaching methodology in the Nutrition training course held by VAFoST and STU on November, 25th to – 26th, 2013. There were approximately twenty lecturers from STU’s FFT and other ones from universities at HCMC and neighboring provinces attending this course.




Mr. Prakash, who is a member of the IUFoST Executive Committee, highly assessed the development in researching and compiling the curriculum of Food Technology Faculty. He also officially recommended the STU’s Food Science and Technology curriculum to the list of international curriculums by IUFoST. These information will be announced at the international exhibition Fi Vietnam in May 2014.




On this occasion, Mr., and Mrs. Prakash also visited TienGiang University from the recommendation of STU’s FFT. As the spirit of the “Visiting Professors Program”, they did not receive a salary and self-paid all their fee on that visit. On the tentative schedule in 2014, three groups of professors will visit STU ‘s FFT. 

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