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Student Association of ITPC to elect the new Board of Management 2012-2013

Update 22/12/2012 - 01:34:09 AM (GMT+7)

On 2nd November 2012, the meeting to elect the new Board of Management of ITPC Student Association 2012-2013 was held at the International Training Programs Center, Saigon Technology University

Director of ITPC, Dr. Lê Hiệp Tuyểngives a speech to open the meeting
Dr. Le Hiep Tuyen, Vice-President of Saigon Technology University, and Director of ITPC together with the representatives of different departments of ITPC, lecturers at Troy STU Campus and lots of members of ITPC Student Association attended the meeting. The members of Student Association of ITPC came to elect the new Board of Management 2012-2013. After the opening speech of Director of ITPC, each candidate spent one minute for self introduction and his or her  purposes if elected into the new Board of Management of Student Association 2012-2013.
Ms Phan Hoang Anh, the former President of Student Association – Fall 2011, reported the activities and the achievements from the term - Fall 2011. She also gave best wishes to the new Board of Management of Student Association 2012-2013.     
From the votes of the members of Student Association, the new Board of Management 2012-2013 consists of 13 members:
1.      Lương Quang Hoài Thương_Intake 9,
2.      Nguyễn Lê Cương_Intake 8,
3.      Phạm Vũ Trung_Intake 6,
4.      Trương Hân Ân_Intake 11,
5.      Lê Thị Trúc Ly_Intake 8,
6.      Nguyễn Quốc Bảo_Intake 11,
7.      Lâm Định Duy_Intake 9,
8.      Dương Trần Trung Hiếu_Intake 7,
9.      Lê Bình Đức_Intake 11,
10. Nguyễn Quang Chương_Intake 7,
11. Phạm Thanh Bình_Intake 3,
12. Cao Thái Bảo Ngọc_Intake 8,
13. Nguyễn Phạm Huyền Trang_Intake 8
The new board of management together with 7 Honor members will have an official meeting on 5th November 2012 at 11.30 AM to vote for each position of the new board of management.  After that the new Board of Management 2012-2013 will set up strategic and operational meetings to be held during the Fall 2012 semester.  
The official meeting to elect the new Board of Management of Student Association of ITPC was successfully concluded at 1.30 PM.
The new Board of Management of Student Association 2012-2013 with Student Services Department
Honor members and the new Board of Management of Student Association 2012-2013

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