
Training News

Opening and Graduation Ceremony of the Academic Year 2012 - 2013

Update 29/11/2012 - 04:34:17 AM (GMT+7)

November 17, 2012, Saigon Technology University (STU) held the opening ceremony of the academic year 2012 - 2013 and graduation one for 2357 new engineers, new bachelors of the College, University, Vocational, and Non-public at 180 Cao Lo, Ward 4, District 8, HCM City.

Attending this event, there were the  representatives: the People's Committee, District's 8; the Party, Ward 4, District 8; Dr, Truong Quang Mui, Chairman of the Board; the members of the Board; Prof. Dr. Dao Van Luong , President; Dr, Le Hiep Tuyen, Vice President; Dr, Tran Hoi Sinh, Vice President, the Head teachers / Deputy from the faculties, the department leaders, and all school teachers and students.

Prof. Dr. Dao Van Luong, President,  makes the opening speech and starts drumming

Dr. Truong Quang Mui makes a speech

The ceremony took place in a stately air with the opening drumming of the new school year 2012 - 2013, with the statement of President about the direction and mission of the new school year, a year with a lot of challenges and opportunities; reviewing student’s achievement during the past school year. On this occasion, the school awarded students, having high scores in course 2012 and good results in learning, scholarships. In addition, a number of students having difficult circumstances received scholarships from professional teacher, Huynh Xuan Dinh.

Prof. Dr Dao Van Luong, President; Dr. Truong Quang Mui, Chairman awarded the degrees for excellent students

Overcoming difficulty students receive scholarships

At the same time with the opening and graduation ceremony, the school also organized a talk between school leaders and parents of students graduated with good results in 2012. The talk was hold in Hall A with the participation of Dr. Truong Quang Mui – Chairman of the Board; Prof. Dr.. Dao Van Luong, President;  Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dien, member of BoD;  M.A. Vo Xuan Thinh – Deputy of Scientific Management and External Department; and more than 200 parents of excellent graduates.

Dr. Truong Quang Mui – Chairman of  BoD and Prof. Dr. Dao Van Luong- President-  have a talk to parents and excellent students

The valedictorian, salutatorian exchange experience

 School leaders take photo with parents and students

The program was taking place in warm atmosphere, the new graduates shared experience in learning process in order to help the students of the next generation achieving higher results. Thereby, the parents also expressed their honor to school and thanked for this meaningful talk.


The scene in  school before the ceremony

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