

HR training & Development

Year-end meeting, scientific reports & parting ceremony for retired lecturers

Update 23/01/2014 - 02:50:07 AM (GMT+7)

FFT has just held a scientific meeting before the Lunar New Year on January 16, 2014. On this occasion a scientific forum has been set up with the scientific report of Dr. Pham Kim Phuong about food safety in areas near STU. Based on the survey carried out by students of the faculty in the actual exercise, threre were some warnings about the use of chemicals in fruits and fish meat.

PhD. Pham Kim Phuong

MSc Pham Hoang, a young lecturer who has just joined the pedagogical team of the Faculty of Food Technology, also shared the master's thesis carried out at Kasetsart University, Thailand about the method of Thermal resistance heating to increase food storage time. This model of science and technology activities has been tested since the beginning of 2013, and from June 2013 up to now it has officially become a monthly activity of the faculty for lecturers to share their knowledge and experience, as well as updating inforamation from new scientific researches of local and international communities.


Msc. Pham Hoang


In this meeting, FFT was especially grateful parting ceromony held for B.E. Hoang Lan Huynh on his retirement. Mr. Huynh is a senior teacher of the Faculty of Food Technology, he has worked for many years in STU, and is alway dedicate in teaching, enthusiastic with every step of development and professional activities and cooperation of the faculty. For faculty’s members, staff, and all students of the faculty, he is the forever symbol of the spirit of "Resilient warriors", which has become the rising slogan of FFT’s members.


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