

HR training & Development

Faculty of Food Technology welcomed the delegation of professors from Taiwan

Update 10/09/2012 - 02:37:52 AM (GMT+7)

On September, 06th 2012, FFT welcomed the delegation of professors from Taiwan Food Science and Technology Association; professors from National Pingtung University and representatives of food enterprises from Taiwan visited STU. 

The presentatives of STU were Prof.Dr. Dao Van Luong – President of STU; Prof.Dr. Luu Dzuan – Dean of FFT, Head of Departments in FFT, lecturers and students.


The delegation of professors from Taiwan  


Through this meeting, Prof.Dr. Dao Van Luong – President of STU expressed the willingness to collaborate in long-term between two universities and expected the supporting from National Pingtung University’s professors.


President of STU – Prof.Dr. Dao Van Luong gave a speech at the meeting

MSc Tran Ngoc Hieu introduced the FFT’s laboratories to the delegates

Professors from Taiwan visited the laboratories of FFT

The memento was awarded to the representative of the Taiwanese delegation 

FFT’s students attended the meeting

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