

Educational philosophy

NOTICE: Regarding the application of the Philosophy of Education in the Department of Food Technology

Update 15/01/2013 - 08:46:35 AM (GMT+7)


Regarding the application of the Philosophy of Education in the Department of Food Technology


Pursuant to Decision No. 171 / QD-DSG-BOD on December 19th, 2012, Saigon Technology University’s strategic development for the period 2012 to 2017 and 2020 vision have been enacted. Based on this strategy, the Faculty of Food Technology notifies all lecturers and students in the Faculty of Food Technology and businesses of its educational philosophy. 
Our educational philosophy is being Dynamic for active learning, thinking in a Creative way to effectively apply knowledge, and being Honest and Responsible to work and develop in professional environments.
Since January 14th, 2013 the Faculty of Food Technology has been carrying out the teaching and assessment of students under the above Philosophy of Education.
It is requested that our lecturers, students, and affiliated businesses follow this announcement.

Yours sincerely,

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