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Lecturers and students of Faculty of Food Technology participated in ASEAN Food Conference 2013

Update 21/09/2013 - 04:15:47 AM (GMT+7)

ASEAN Food Conference 2013, the 13th ASEAN Food Conference that was held in Singapore from 9 - 11 September 2013 witnessed impressive participation with high scientific quality of Vietnam delegation. In more than 20 delegates were 4 presenters from the S-shaped country. They were 4 lecturers of FFT of STU and 1 student of the FFT have participated in the Vietnamese student team for AFC Quiz Bowl competition which was the multiple choices test about knowledge of food technology field.  


Accompanying Professor, Doctor of Science Luu Duan, leader of Vietnam Delegation were lecturers of Faculty of Food Technology such as Ph.D. Hoang Kim Anh, Ph.D. Le Quang Tri, and BA. Nguyen Ngoc Minh Chau. They reported scientific reaserches that were got the high evaluation at discussion sessions including on Nutrition, Food Processing, and Education & Training for Food Science and Technology session. Dr. Hoang Kim Anh impressed many foreign colleagues with the topic "Digestion and GI of Polydextrose and IMO from tapioca starch". Dr. Le Quang Tri is interested in the topic "Improving the efficiency of banana vinegar production by enzyme technology". On the other hand, Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Minh Chau on behalf of Prof. Dr. Luu Duan presented the topic that she collaborated with him named "Vietnamese proverbs of cuisine - demonstrating the conclusions of the ancients by modern science". At the conference, Prof. Dr. Luu Duan and Dr. Hoang Kim Anh were also invited to chair two professional discussion sessions.


Vietnamese products

Dr. Le Quang Tri 


A senior student, Le Quang Thanh, is a member of the Vietnam Quiz Bowl team with 2 students from Nong Lam University and 1 student from Can Tho University. Due to lacking of experience in international competition, the Vietnamese team could not pass the preliminary round. The first-place of this year competition belonged to the Thai team. However, after this competition, the FFT got more experience and will continue train and send students to join the Quiz Bowl competition in the next ASEAN FOOD Conferences and to improve the achievements.

Lecturers and students of the FFT also participated in promoting Vietnames Banh Chung, which is a representative food product of Vietnam and was honored as ASEAN food at this conference.



Food Asean Conference is the largest forum of food technology field in Asean area and is bi-annual event. The next Conference in 2015 will be held in Philipine and the following conference in 2017 will occur in Vietnam. 

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