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Academic Theme combining with career guidance for students

Update 04/01/2019 - 06:03:23 AM (GMT+7)

Academic Theme combining with career guidance for students

On March 20, the Alumni Association in collaboration with the Faculty organized an academic seminar combining with career guidance for students.
Academic theme updated the knowledge of  food packaging with the topic "Trends and applications of biodegradable packaging" that was presented by MSc. Dang Minh Khanh - PhD student at Kasesart University, Thailand. After that, Mr. Tran Khac Dung - CEO and the founder of FOBE Co., Ltd, with the topic "Food Technology Engineer - Who am I?" shared with students about the love of the job, future career orientation in a close and practical way. Both speakers are successful alumni of the Faculty.


MSc. Dang Minh Khanh reported on "Trends and applications of biodegradable packaging"


Mr. Tran Khac Dung reported on the topic "CNTP Engineer - Who am I?"


The students interacted and discussed actively with speakers


MSc. Luu Mai Huong - Vice Dean disscused with students



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