

Food Processing Laboratory

Update 29/08/2019 - 01:50:48 AM (GMT+7)

With the function of a specialized laboratory, the Processing laboratory is a place to teach intensive laboratory subjects of the Food Technology Faculty such as Processing Experiments, Packaging Experiments, Product Development Practice. Also, there have been many scientific research projects of lecturers and students done here and get encouraging results.

The laboratory is fully equipped with machinery such as dryers, autoclave, homogenizer, baking oven, and other equipment that can assist for teaching, learning, and scientific researching of lecturers and students.



With the above conditions, The Food Processing Laboratory can fully accomplish training and scientific tasks such as:
• Serving the teaching of laboratory subjects in Food Technology.
• Serving scientific researches of students and lecturers
• Serving scientific researches of the graduation thesis of undergraduate and graduate students about advanced technologies in developing new products.
• Serving short-term training; cooperation in education and scientific researches from high school to postgraduate training.



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