

Faculty Of Food Technology - Formation

Update 27/05/2009 - 07:45:49 AM (GMT+7)

Special training programs

-    Inter-education programs for students from Engineer to BSc in 3 semesters.
-    Post-training for graduated students follow special requirement of employers.
-    Training, transferring food technology and developing new product.
-    Training courses:
       Food quality management
       Food Analysis and Sensory Evaluation.
       Food marketing
       Engineer and Society
       Food Culture

Major subjects in Curriculum

-    Food Science: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Food Microbiology, Food Physics, Nutrition, Food Safety, Sensory Evaluation and Food Analysis.

-    Technology & Engineering: Post-harvest Technology, Food Technology, Food Biotechnology, Food Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Automation, Industrial Design.

-    Food Development and Management: Food Marketing, Product Development, Food Law, Food Culture, Production and Project Management, Engineer & Society.

Common Links
About STU