Journal of Science and Education
For Companies
Academic Affairs
External Relations
Office of Quality Assurance
Academic Affairs Department
RM & ER Department
Personnel Administrative Affairs
Planning & Financial Affairs
Student Support Affair Department
Academic Inspection Office
Basic Sciences Department
Faculty of Information Technology
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Food Technology
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Design
Institutes & Centers
For Student
The ISO 22.000 course for undergraduate and new graduate students
The competition for ideas for new food products
Announcement about the Practice Course- Food Microbiology - Class C09 and TP08
The learning schedule of Practice subject- Specialized informatic - class TP207.
Announcement of Food Microbiology Practice - Class D09-TP1 + 2
The formats of the report for graduation thesis
The learning schedule for the class ISO 22000
Announcement of the Regarding the implementation of graduation thesis
Announcement of the 2nd examination of Food Quality Assurance – for class 308 and 309 of transfer program
Announcement of the learning schedule of Practice subject Food Analysis 2, class L10-TP
The outline of the review lesson for 2nd exam of Food Microbiology - TP207 and 208
Announcement of the implementation of TP208 graduation thesis
Announcement of the implementation of L10 graduation thesis
Announcement of the learning schedule for the special topic 2- class L10
Name list of students conducting graduation thesis -L10
Name list of students conducting graduation thesis- TP208
The schedule and name list of learners for ISO 22,000 class
The Learning schedule of Practice subject Food analysis 2 - L311 students
The announcement of the Special Topic 1, 2, 3 for students of the Transfer Program
Name list of students who get the certificate of ISO 22000: 2005
Special topic 1 Schedule – Transfer Program
Common Links
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About STU
STU - Introduction