



Update 10/06/2009 - 01:00:00 AM (GMT+7)

SAIGON TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY (STU) was set up pursuant to Vietnam’s Prime Minister’s Decsion No 57/2004/QD-TTg, dated April 6, 2004.

The forerunner of STU was Saigon Engineering College (SEC), established pursuant to the PM’s Decision No 798/QD-Ttg, dated September 24, 1997. STU has strived to be a fully-constituted medium-sized tertiary institution with high prestige in Vietnam’s university education system.  

STU’s activities for education, training, scientific research, and technology transfer have gradually achieved the regional advanced level and approached the international one as well. SAIGON TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY (STU) is proud to be a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector, and multidimensional training center of various levels: Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate, providing high-quality human resources in terms of good virtue, independent thinking, creativity, professional and cultural knowledge, and foreign language competence to meet the demands of the nation’s socio-economic development and the trend of globalization.

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About STU