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Government earmarks budget for education development

Update 16/01/2013 - 01:14:06 AM (GMT+7)

The government recently approved a project worth VND340 billion (USD16.3 million) on education development until 2020.

Under the project, the country will target a literacy rate of 96% for people aged from 15-60 and 98% for those who are aged from 15-35 nationwide by 2015.

The rates for the north-western, central highlands and south-western regions would be 90% and 92%, respectively.

The country expects all government officials will be further trained in computing skills to improve their efficiency. 90% of workers at industrial parks and export processing zones would be high school graduates and 95% of workers will be provided with vocational training during this period.

The country plans to enhance quality and expand operations of public learning centres and training centres, along with upgrading facilities for distance and e-learning.

Half of pupils and students across the country will be trained in life skills at their schools and more workers will pursue such studies.

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