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K-12 students to be taught business next school year

Update 11/01/2013 - 01:04:23 AM (GMT+7)

Vietnam plans to teach business to K-12 students from the next school year, which starts in September, the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) said Tuesday at a conference in Hanoi.

MoET said that the subject is expected to be taught to school students in 15 provinces and cities between 2013 and 2015, and that it will choose ten high schools in each of the localities to carry out the first phase of the plan.

The program will use the Know about Business (KAB) program, managed and implemented in 20 countries by the International Labour Organization (ILO), a United Nations agency, according to Nguyen Vinh Hien, Deputy Minister of Education and Training.

Hien said that MoET will work with schools nationwide to provide extra training to current teachers so that they are able to teach the subject.

The education ministry will also ask teacher training schools to modify their curricula in the same fashion to ensure a sufficient source of teachers for this plan in the long term, the official added.

It has assigned its secondary education division to cooperate with the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences and ILO to execute the plan, Hien said.

KAB is an 80-120 hour course for students enrolled in vocational education, secondary education and higher education, ILO’s website says.

It is meant to supply learners with an understanding of “the role of business in the society, its contribution to the wealth of nations and its social responsibility."

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