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State teaches educators vital lesson in quality maintenance

Update 22/12/2012 - 09:27:45 AM (GMT+7)

The State played a vital regulation role in ensuring education quality and equality, a national workshop heard on Wednesday.

The workshop was called to seek agreement from various educational groups about what needs to be done to ensure education quality and equality.

It decided that this would be done on the basis of harmonising education establishments' autonomy in adopting national education policies.

Regulation was defined as the process by which the State built an education system for all and used its power to ensure education quality.

It was agreed that it must focus on the needs of students and society in general.

Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Vinh Hien said Viet Nam had issued many policies to improve education quality and equality, particularly for students in poor and remote areas.

However, there was still a long way to go to achieve a high-quality education system for all, he said.

"There is a need to mobilise different social sources to invest in developing education," he said.

Participants agreed that the State could not fulfil its regulatory role without the support of the private school system, trade unions, parents, teachers and students.

The workshop was part of a project by the International Organisation of Francophonie which supports eight countries, including Viet Nam, in building educational quality and equality.

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