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School teaches kids how to budget and curb their spending

Update 30/11/2012 - 12:53:03 AM (GMT+7)

HCM CITY – Ha Thi Hiep, mother of 10th grader Truong Thi Minh Thu, has observed a distinct change in her daughter in recent months.

Thu, a student of the Phan Dang Luu High School in HCM City's Binh Thanh District, no longer spends money impulsively on things she does not need. She is more careful with her money now, Hiep says.

Nguyen Quang Thang, father of 11th grader Nguyen Thai An, at the same school, has noticed that he and his son can discuss money issues more easily these days.

Thu, An, their parents and their teachers are beneficiaries of a project that seeks to impart financial management skills to high school students in the city.

The Citi Foundation-sponsored project, called Smart Start for Students, has been carried out in 100 high schools in the city.

The latest training course for teachers under the project, in its fourth phase now, was organised in the city last week by Save the Children in co-operation with the HCM City Department of Education and Training.

Teachers from 100 high schools in the city were trained in financial management teaching methods.

Huynh Thi Ngoc Le, a science teacher at the Nguyen Khuyen High School in Tan Binh District, said that it was the second time she was attending the course.

"It has not only improved my knowledge of the country's financial and general economic situation, but also helped manage my own finances better," Le said. She said the core element of the course was to show ways to teach students how to improve their financial management skills, including making monthly expenditure plans.

Le said her school principal has seen the importance and effectiveness of the project and decided to extend it to the 11th grade, although it was originally planned for just the 10th grade.

Nguyen Anh Vu, deputy head of HCM City Banking University's International Co-operation Centre, said that knowledge and skills provided by the project have not only helped students spend properly but also think about earning more money.

The project introduces to students investment channels including stocks and savings accounts with banks that can help increase the money they have, he said.

Under the project, besides teachers and students, parents are also invited to attend workshops on the importance of financial management education for their children.

The fourth phase, expected to be carried out until June next year, will benefit nearly 8,000 high school students.

The project was first carried out in 2009 at two high schools, Marie Curie and Nguyen Du, in the city.

Since then, more than 6,750 students and 140 teachers have benefited from it.

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