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Local student wins US Consulate’s Facebook photo contest

Update 22/10/2012 - 01:34:31 AM (GMT+7)

A Ho Chi Minh City college student has just won a Facebook photo contest organized by the Education USA Advising Center under the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City.

During the awards ceremony at the center’s office on Friday morning, Nguyen Van Khanh, a senior at Ton Duc Thang University in the southern city, was presented with the Special Jury Prize for a picture displaying an organized children dance at an elementary school in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang.


The photo that earned Nguyen Van Khanh, a senior at Ton Duc Thang University in Ho Chi Minh City, the Special Jury Prize. Photo: By courtesy of the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City

Khanh told Tuoitrenews that the photo was taken when he was participating in his university’s community service program at the school in July.

“The photo conjures up memories of the community service that I see as unforgettable in my student life,” he said.

Taking place throughout last month, the competition received more than 250 photos taken by over 100 high school and college students across southern Vietnam, including some currently studying in the U.S.

Their photos, all uploaded onto the organizer’s Facebook for judgment, depict many aspects of education, including student life, student emotions, school landscapes, classroom scenes, and study abroad activities.

Consul General Le Thanh An highly appreciated the participation of the students, saying their photos “vividly reflect student life and the memorable moments of a new school year.”

“Your participation in this contest not only shows your interest and talents in the arts, but also your active engagement outside of classroom,” Mr Le said. “I hope you keep building up that spirit and keep inspiring us with your artwork.”

Photo Contest

U.S. Consul General Le Thanh An (M, 2nd row) and his staff are pictured with the finalists of a Facebook photo contest, held by the Education USA Advising Center under the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, during an awards ceremony at the center's office on Friday.

The organizer also awarded other prizes to the best photo in each of the categories (student life, student emotions, school landscapes, classroom scenes, and study abroad activities), in addition to a number of consolation awards.

Below are the winning photos in each category, published by courtesy of the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City:

best student life

Best student life

best emotion

Best student emotion

best landscape

Best school landscape

best classroom scene

Best classroom scene

best study abroad

Best study abroad activity

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