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Faculty dean dismissed for manufacturing test score

Update 28/09/2012 - 01:29:21 AM (GMT+7)

The management of a university in the central region decided Tuesday to remove a dean from his post after he was found inflating the score of a test paper in the national university entrance exam in July.

Nguyen Nhu Tu, former dean of the architecture faculty at a college under Hue University, located in the central city of Hue, was penalized because he had added 3.5 points to the drawing test score of T.B.H.L., who was then sitting for the exam to gain admission to his faculty, the school said.

Dr Le Van Anh, university vice director, said Tu already admitted to the wrongdoing and elaborated that he had gone to the candidate’s house after the exam to ask about ways to identify his drawing test.

The ex-dean then gave the candidate 5.0 out of 6.0 points on the test even though the drawing was not up to par. L. earned a mere 1.5 points when the university re-graded his paper.

Tu did not give a reason for this fraud, however.

The crackdown stemmed from parents’ allegations that cheating might have occurred, causing the school to launch an investigation into the case.

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