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Lecturer of Food Technology Faculty - FFT participated in the National Science Conference in Hanoi

Update 04/12/2014 - 04:45:42 AM (GMT+7)

The national scientific conference titled "Food science and technology towards sustainable food industry" was organized by Vietnam Association of Food Science and Technology (VAFoST) in collaboration with Hanoi University of Technology, Saigon Technology University, Food Industry Institute, Vietnam Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Post-harvest Technology, Hoang Dung Communication and Education Limited Company. The Conference opened at 8:30 am on November 28th, 2014, at Ho Chi Minh Museum, Hanoi, and closed at 17:30 on the same day.

Accompanying Prof.Dr. Luu Dzuan, to the conference were lecturers of FFT including Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hoang Kim Anh, Dr. Tran Quang Hieu, MSc. Bui Thi Minh Thuy, B.E. Nguyen Quynh Dao, and B.A. Nguyen Ngoc Minh Chau.


The FFT lecturers at the Conference


With the presence of managers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, this conference gathered many leading experts. They focused their in-depth discussions on groups of current issues such as the processing of agricultural products and foodstuffs; preserving agricultural products; green technology and clean production; Food Biotechnology; Food Quality Analysis and Food Safety. Besides, this conference honored 16 scientists and teachers who have many important contributions to the achievments of science and technology in the food industry field in recent years.


Prof.Dr. Luu Dzuan and scientists were honored at the conference


The conference aimed to apply results in training, scientific research, technology transfer, and developing the food technology industry in Vietnam. The conference called the attraction and the attention of many scientists in the country and countries in the region. Nearly 100 were articles submitted. After selecting round carried on the full-text articles, the reviewers and the scientific council chose 65 typical scientific works and published them in The Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy Institute of Science and Technology. 


Dr. Hoang Kim Anh was presenting at the session “Green technology and clean production”


On this occasion, the conference was also honored to welcome Prof. Dr. Rindit Pambayun - Chairman of the Indonesian Food Association. He came to exchange and report at the conference.


Prof. Dr. Rindit Pambayun - Chairman of the Indonesian Food Association


In the end of the conference, Prof. Dr. Luu Dzuan summarized the activities of the last year and announed the upcoming seminars that VAFoST and STU will be hosts and co-coordinators.


Prof. Luu Dzuan

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