

International Union of Food Science & Technology (IUFoST) evaluated the training program of the Food Technology Faculty

Update 30/05/2014 - 01:38:01 AM (GMT+7)

On the occasion of coming to Vietnam to attend Fi Vietnam International Conference 2014 (May 22nd, 2014) organized by the Vietnam Association of Food Science and Technology (VAFoST) and the Faculty of Food Technology of STU, members of the executive board of the IUFoST, including Ms. Judith Meech (Canada), Dr. Mary Schmidl (United States), Prof. V. Prakash (India), had a meeting with the University administrators, the Faculty Executive Board to evaluate FFT’s training programs at the the college, university and university transfer levels.

IUFoST is represented more than 200,000 food scientists and technologists from more than 70 countries, working for food safety, food security and developing education and training in Food Science and Technology. IUFoST has the function of evaluating and certifying food technology training programs up to international standards. This was a visit to initially evaluate the training program at STU, following the success of the volunteer Professor program organized by IUFoST and VAFoST since 2010, in which STU is one of the priority destinations. There are 1 to 2 international professors coming to FFT to teach every year. In addition, in the non-public sector, the STU Food Technology Faculty has reaffirmed its leading position in international integration through many student and faculty exchange programs with universities in Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea.


The University administrators worked with the members of the IUFoST’s Executive Council

The members of the IUFoST’s Executive Council met and discussed with alumni of the FFT


The tour was successful and left a good impression on IUFoST's appraisal board. The STU FFT’s Executive Board is continuing to complete the dossier and provide the necessary information and data for IUFoST to issue an international standard certificate for the Food Technology training program.



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