
QA at Programme Level

Training course for Food Technology on 18 Aug 2018

Update 18/08/2018 - 02:30:28 AM (GMT+7)

I. Purpose - Request
- To prepare the Food Technology programme for AUN-QA accreditation, STU invites experts to train, guide, and share their experiences to the Faculty of Food Technology.
- Programme self-assessment helps to recognize the strengths and limitations of the programme. Since then, promote strengths and overcome limitations to improve the programme quality up to ASEAN quality standards.
II. Plan
1. Content: Guidance, sharing experience in writing Part 1 - self-assessment report, review the Food Technology programme.
2. Time - Location:
- Time: August 18, 2018
- Location: Faculty of Food Technology
3. Participants
- President
- Office of Quality Assurance
- The Faculty of Food Technology members


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