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University found to illegally organising continuous training

Update 28/05/2013 - 12:46:18 AM (GMT+7)

A university in Khanh Hoa Province has been found to have worked with a college in HCM City to illegally enrol students for a continuous training programme.

The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) has requested Thai Binh Duong University in Khanh Hoa Province and Tay Nam A Economic and Technical Vocational Training School in HCM City to halt their unlicensed continuous training from vocational training and college levels to university level.


These schools must find eligible training institutions for their enrolled 625 students prior to June 30.


The ministry assigned HCM City municipal Department of Education and Training to issue a decision to fine the Tay Nam A School before May 31.


The decisions followed inspection results announced by a working group led by Ha Huu Phuc, deputy director of the MoET’s representative office in HCM City after inspecting Tay Nam A’s second branch on Minh Phung Street on May 14.


The results showed that two continuous training classes at university level organised by Thai Binh Duong University for accounting, banking-finance, business administration and a class at vocational training level for finance sector with 44 students were illegal. This is because Thai Binh Duong University was not licensed to hold continuous training out of it’s headquarter.


On May 16, an official from Tay Nam A school said they just leased the location for training to Thai Binh Duong.


Meanwhile, Dr. Do Van Ninh, Deputy Principal of Thai Binh Duong University explained to the inspection agency that they have co-operated with Tay Nam A school to provide continuous training at university level in accounting, banking-finance, business administration sectors for 625 students.


When the continuous training was halted, enrolled students were now are unclear about their future.


A student who was pursuing such training said, “I graduated from Tay Nam A Technical Vocational Training School in 2012 and was guided to apply for a continuous training provided by Thai Binh Duong University. They promoted a joint training programme between Tay Nam A school and Thai Binh Duong school. We’ve been studying business administration at university level at the second branch of Tay Nam A school in HCM City’s District 6.”


After a short period of training, the school changed their training sector from business administration into tourism management without any advance notice to students, the student said.


“We’re greatly surprised and disappointed when we discovered that our courses weren't legitimate. I don’t know what to do now as we’ve spent much of our time and money on the training,” she added.

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