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Students swotting for upcoming grad exam TUOI TRE

Update 24/05/2013 - 12:52:01 AM (GMT+7)

Ho Chi Minh City 12th graders are cramming for their high school graduation exam in June, the second most important event in their school life after the college entrance test.

Vietnam annually requires that those bound for college pass an English test, along with mandatory papers in math and literature during the high school exam.

There are also tests on three other subjects chosen each year by the education ministry, with chemistry, biology, and geography selected for this year’s exam, which will take place from June 2 to 4.

And then they have to take their most important papers, the college entrance exam in early July, which often includes three subjects for each major the students apply for.

Tuoi Tre reporter paid a visit to several high schools in the city last weekend to see how the ‘exam atmosphere’ was.

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